5 Reasons Why You Should Try HYPOXI – According to Our Master Trainer

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Losing weight can be sometimes challenging, especially if you don’t know where to start. Yes, there are a lot of weight loss or diet programs out there, but we all know that choosing the right one can be quite overwhelming. Our bodies are different so there is no one-size-fits-all solution for weight loss.  

This is why it’s essential to research a specific fitness regimen first before you commit. You need to consider your fitness level, health condition, and lifestyle. Most importantly, you need to find a program that will help you feel good about yourself. 

At HYPOXI, we’re not only passionate about helping you lose weight. We’re also here to help you feel good about your body, and ultimately regain and improve your self-confidence. 

If you want to know more about the HYPOXI experience and see if it’s right for you, we’ve got you covered. Here are the 5 reasons why you should try HYPOXI according to our HYPOXI Australia Master Trainer, Karen Wines.


It’s low impact with better results

Some people think that losing weight always involves high-intensity workouts or extreme physical activities. But did you know that the low impact exercise of HYPOXI is up to 3x more effective at burning stubborn fat than regular exercise? 


“There’s a misconception that low impact exercises are not as effective. But at HYPOXI, we take the low impact exercise to the next level. We combine it with our advanced technology and healthy nutrition to help supercharge your body’s natural fat-burning system. We take a holistic approach focused on science, exercise and nutrition to help you feel fitter, healthier and more confident than ever.“ – Karen Wines, HYPOXI Master Trainer


Low impact exercises like HYPOXI-Training is also very beneficial for people who are not into high intensity activities. And if you’re someone who wants to get back into an exercise routine after having an injury or undergoing surgeries, then HYPOXI could be ideal for you. It’s safer, puts less stress on your joints and muscles, and helps improve circulation.


Targeted fat loss and cellulite reduction

At our HYPOXI studios, our advanced vacuum and compression technology will help you achieve fat burning and cellulite reduction in targeted areas.

Our L250 targets stubborn fat and cellulite around the hips, bottom, thighs, lower back and lower stomach. It’s a low impact, high outcome cycling exercise perfect for pear-shaped bodies.  

If you are a multitasker and want to do more while you lose weight, then the S120 device is for you. It’s recommended for people who are already active, with a medium to high fitness level. It works by applying vacuum and compression therapy to specific problem areas.  

The HYPOXI Vacunaut device, on the other hand, targets fat around the mid and lower stomach, love handles and hips. The central feature of this device is the complex network of 122 integrated pressure chambers which get to work on those stubborn areas of your midsection while you exercise.  

Our clients love the HYPOXI Dermology Comfort (HDC) as it feels like a gentle, pain-free and relaxing massage. The HDC is a  passive treatment designed to increase blood flow to help improve the skin’s tone and texture. It’s also a must-try if your needs are related to reducing the appearance of cellulite, fluid retention, releasing toxins or stimulating the lymphatic system. The 400 chambers within our HDC suit do all the work for you.  When used in conjunction with our S120, L250 or Vacunaut, the HDC can accelerate your overall results so you can gain maximum benefit.


Personalised to your goals

Here at HYPOXI, we’re not only providing the right machines to help you get the body shape you’re after. We’re also about creating a program that really suits your needs. 

When you sign up for our Intro Offer or any other membership or session pack, our HYPOXI-Coaches will do a complete body assessment and discuss your weight loss goals. From there, we will work out the best machines suitable and create a personalized program, tailored to your needs. We will record measurement so you can track your progress. And we can also take before and after photos if requested. 

Aside from this, our HYPOXI-Coaches will provide you with bonus tools, resources and knowledge to create healthy and sustainable habits. All staff from our HYPOXI studios all over the country are trained to give you the best HYPOXI experience, helping you achieve your body transformation goals.


Quick and convenient sessions

Some of us are hesitant to commit to a weight loss program because of our busy schedules. When you go to the gym or other fitness centres, it can involve lengthy sessions or frequent visits. But with HYPOXI, you only need to allot 30 minutes per session and attend only 3 sessions per week. 

The good thing about these sessions is that you can still do a lot while training. You can read and reply to emails, catch up on your favourite TV shows or have a chat with your loved ones.


A natural way to lose weight

The HYPOXI experience is completely non-invasive and pain-free so you don’t have to worry about any side effects or downtime.  

It’s a gentle exercise that uses advanced vacuum and compression technology by alternating high and low pressures in connection with moderate movement. The result is increased circulation in the problem areas, which enables targeted fat reduction in specific parts of the body.  

These are just some of the reasons why you should try HYPOXI. If you’re not a member yet and want to experience the body shaping benefits of HYPOXI, sign up for our Intro Offer today. This offer provides you 3 sessions for $99, where you can try different HYPOXI machines and see how they work. This also includes a full body assessment and consultation, to discuss your objectives and create a personalised program tailored to your body transformation goals. 

Ready to experience the smarter way to shape up? Click here to learn more.
